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Introduction to Philosophy of Religion
Introduction to Philosophy of Religion
Abstract: Philosophy of religion is breifly characterized, and natural and
deductive theology are defined.
- From raising the initial question of Socrates, "What should be your central
concern in life?," we have moved to the question of Tolstoy and Camus, "What is
the meaning of Life?"
- In order to answer this question, another question can be raised first about the
existence of God, for this second question has great relevance to the first one. The
second question can be put…
- Axiologically—Is the source of the meaning of life God?
- Epistemologically—Can we prove God exists?
- Ontologically—Does God exist? What is God?
- Hence, we turn our attention to the arguments for the existence of God.
- This task is properly in the philosophy of religion; philosophy of religion has as its
main concern an epistemological task. Let us consider for a moment what this statement
means. The epistemological task includes inquiring as to…
- whether religious knowledge is a special kind of knowledge,
- how religious knowledge is obtained, and
- the implications of religious knowledge for conduct.
- Philosophy of religion is not explicitly concerned with…
- the history of religion,
- comparative religions, or
- specific religious beliefs or church doctrines…
except insofar as these concerns illume the epistemological
- Philosophers investigate two broad kinds of religious knowledge claims.
- Natural Theology: the attempt to prove the existence of God, and
sometimes questions about human immortality, from premisses provided by
reasoning from observations of the ordinary course of nature (à
posteriori proofs). Knowledge obtained by revelation from supernatural
sources are ruled out.
- Deductive Theology: the attempt to prove the existence of God
from premisses known to be true by reason alone, independently of sensory experience
(à priori proofs).
- Revealed theology or religious knowledge-claims based on faith or
revelation is generally considered to be beyond the scope of philosophy and is
usually considered to be under the province of the subject of religion.
- For this class, the study of philosophy of religion is used as a kind of stalking
horse for elucidation of a number of philosophical concepts which have been influential
in logic, mathematics, and science. It is vitally important to realize that, for example, the
numerous objections to arguments for God's existence or the nature of God have not
settled these issues and are not the final positions on these subjects. The arguments
and objections represent a gentle way into a complex array of concepts still debated
in contemporary philosophical circles. All of the objections listed in these notes
have been countered in one way or another, and the philosophical terminiology has
sharpened and evolved in many different directions.
Further Reading:
- Ars Disputandi: Alternative
Title: The Online Journal for Philosophy of Religion. Peer-reviewed
online journal covers contemporary debate in the philosophy of
religion, including articles on the history of the philosophy
of religion, natural theology, and philosophical theology.
- “Does Evolution Explain
Human Nature?” The
John Templeton Foundation compiled essay answers to this
question from the following contemporary notables: “Obviously,
Says the Monkey” by Frans de Waal, C.H. Candler Professor
of Psychology at Emory University and researcher at the Yerkes
National Primate Research Center; “Except
Where It Matters” by Simon Conway Morris, Professor
of Evolutionary Paleobiology at the University of Cambridge,
Fellow of St. John's College, and a member of the Royal Society;
Well” by Lynn Margulis, Distinguished Professor at the
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Eastman Professor at
Balliol College, Oxford, and member of the National Academy
of Sciences; “Not
Entirely” by Francis Collins, physician and geneticist noted
for his leadership in directing the Human Genome Project; “More
Fully By the Day” by Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary psychologist
at the University of New Mexico; “Not
Yet” by Joan Roughgarden, Professor of Biology at Stanford
University; “In Part”
by Martin Nowak, Professor of Biology and Mathematics at Harvard
University, Director of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics; “Yes”
by Robert Wright, author of The Moral Animal and Nonzero:
The Logic of Human Destiny; “Only
Up To a Point” by Francisco J. Ayala, Donald Bren Professor
of Biological Sciences at the University of California, Irvine and
winner of the National Medal of Science; “Yes,
But …” by Eva Jablonka, evolutionary biologist,
Professor at the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of
Science and Ideas at Tel Aviv University; “Totally,
For a Martian” by Jeffrey Schloss, Distinguished Professor,
Chair of Biology at Westmont College; “Yes
and No” by David Sloan Wilson, Director of EvoS, Binghamton
University's Evolutionary Studies Program.
- “Does the Universe Have
a Purpose?” The John Templeton Foundation compiled essay
answers to this question from the following contemporary notables:
“Unlikely” by Lawrence M. Krauss, Professor of Physics and
Astronomy at Case Western Reserve University; “Yes” by
David Gelernter, Professor of Computer Science at Yale and National
fellow at the American Enterprise Institute; “Perhaps” by
Paul Davies physicist, cosmologist, and astrobiologist and the
director of the Beyond Center at Arizona State University;
“No” by Peter William Atkins, a Fellow and Professor of
Chemistry at Lincoln College, Oxford; “Indeed” by Nancey
Murphy, Professor of Christian Philosophy, Fuller Theological
Seminary; “Yes” by Owen Gingerich, Professor Emeritus of
Astronomy and of the History of Science at Harvard University and a
senior astronomer emeritus at the Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory; “Very Likely” by Bruno Guiderdoni,
astrophysicist and the Director of the Observatory of Lyon, France;
“No” by Christian de Duve, a biochemist and Nobel Prize
recipient in Physiology and Medicine; “Yes” by John F.
Haught, Senior Fellow, Science and Religion, Georgetown University;
&ldlquo;Not Sure” by Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and
the Director of New York City's Hayden Planetarium;
&ldqo;Certainly” by Jane Goodall, founder of the Jane Goodall
Institute and a UN Messenger of Peace; “I Hope So” by Elie
Wiesel, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities and Professor
at Boston University.
- Natural Theology. This brief
characterization of natural theology is drawn from the Internet Encyclopedial of
“A great deal more is necessary for the establishment of an assertion,
than that an adversary cannot disprove it. A thousand possibilities
may be affirmed which are susceptible neither of proof nor of disproof;
and surely it were the worst of logic to accept as proof, the mere
circumstance that they are beyond the reach of disproof.” Thomas
Chalmers, On Natural Theology (New York: Robert Carter & Brothers,
1850), 124.
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